Skills shortages
Yet again
Skills shortages
- This month we have to replace a skill again due to supply shortages. This time it's the Wasabi Paste that's affected.

- We are currently no longer receiving these. And this was so popular with some of you because, although it is quite spicy, it does not cause stomach pain or similar symptoms as with foods containing chili, for example.
- Be that as it may, we have found a replacement. We took the opportunity and replaced the large tube with small bags filled with wasabi . This makes it even easier and more practical to use this skill on the go.

In general, the global problem of supply bottlenecks affects us on a daily basis. We do not receive many skills at all or only receive them in several months.
- This is of course frustrating because we recognize your interest and demand and at the same time are not able to deliver to the extent that we would like to.
- In most cases, we try to replace skills, at least in the short term, or offer alternatives.