If only the day had more hours
Positive response and feedback

- When we opened the online skills shop in June 2021, we did not expect so much positive response and feedback .
- Since we were running the project alongside our main jobs, studies and childcare, some aspects of the shop were not yet able to receive the attention that would have been useful.

Now we finally want to tackle the topic of shop design and will fundamentally improve and change the look of the shop in the coming weeks.
At the same time, we remain true to our desire to create a place where people feel comfortable . Therefore, the colors will continue to be kept in warm tones, and the general appearance will be soft, friendly and inviting .

Feeling good is one thing, useful advice and experience in working with skills is another. That's why you still have the option of using our skills generator for free, even multiple times in a row!
- In addition to the skills generator, you also always have the option of writing to us directly and asking for advice on skills that are useful for you individually.
- However, since we are not a computer program like our skills generator, you may have to wait a while until we respond.
- Of course, we do not offer psychological or psychotherapeutic advice, but simply want to pass on our years of experience and practical knowledge to you.
If only the day had more than 24 hours

- We have so many ideas , projects and skills that we would like to integrate into our skills shop as soon as possible; if only there were more hours in the day to implement everything!
- Of course, we also rely on your feedback . We are a very small team and are happy about everyone who supports us with their opinions, criticism and suggestions.