Deine-Bewertung-ist-wertvoll Head of Skills

Your review is valuable

  • Setting up an online shop for DBT skills requires a lot of effort, energy and also the occasional setback.
  • Before we add products to our range, we go through many steps to ensure that a product does not meet our quality and safety standards.
People discussing DBT skills
  • But one of the most important factors remains feedback from YOU .
  • Your experience in using the skills is the basis for many of our decisions: Will an item stay in the shop? Do we need more options? Or will it turn out to be unsuitable as a skill?
Woman thinks about borderline skills
    • We want to continue to grow and improve. To do this, we need your support.
    • Your knowledge is valuable to us, so we want to give you a gift in return:
    For every order you write a review for, you will receive a 5€ voucher from us!*
    We'll explain to you exactly how it works.
      1. Check your order overview to see which products you have ordered and which you can write a review for
        2. Go to the respective product page
          3. At the very bottom of the product description you will see a field
            "What do our stress testers say?"
            The assessment of skills is explained
            4. Click here on "Write a review"
              5. Let your creativity run wild!
                • When filling out the form, be sure to use the same email address that you used for your order, otherwise we will not be able to assign your review!
                • We appreciate every review you give us. Be as honest as possible and think about how your review can help other people learn more about the skill.
                Do you need help completing the assessment? Do you have any further questions? Write to us at , we look forward to hearing from you!
                Man who is happy about a review
                *Please note that we only issue one voucher per order and customer. Redeemable for orders over 25€.

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